Monday 2 April 2012

Red Cabbage, Tuna and Sundried Tomatoes

Red Cabbage, Tuna and Sundried Tomatoes

Ingredients serving 1:
Albacore Tuna in Spring Water* 100gr
A handful of Sun dried Tomatoes finely chopped (leave them in warm water for 10 minutes so the become softer and drain them well)
A handful of pumpkin seeds
150 gr raw red cabbage finely chopped
2 small spring onions

1/2 lemon squeezed, black pepper, Extra virgin olive oil, Salt.

* This product comes from a fishery which has been certified to the Marine Stewardship Council's enviromental standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery. Sustainably fished in the Pacific Ocean. (This is what they say... I hope it's true)

Cavolo rosso, tonno e pomodori secchi

Ingredienti per 1:
Tonno Albacore in Acqua * 100gr
Una manciata di Pomodori secchi tritato finemente (lasciateli in acqua tiepida per 10 minuti per farli ammorbidire, poi buttate l'acqua e scolateli per bene)
Una manciata di semi di zucca
150 gr di cavolo crudo rosso tritato finemente
2 cipollotti piccoli

1/2 Limone spremuto, pepe nero, olio extra vergine di oliva, sale.

* Questo prodotto proviene da pesca che e' stata certificata dallo standard ambientale del Marine Stewardship Council per una pesca ben gestita e sostenibile nell'Oceano Pacifico. (Questo รจ quello che dicono ... spero che sia vero)


  1. I could eat salad everyday and the more colourful the better and healthier. Red cabbage and tuna is one of my favourites. But today I am having tomato, onion and avocado salad for lunch.

  2. I love different kind of salads. This one is I want try because it is so colorful. And wanna know the sun dried tomato taste like.

    1. sun dried tomatoes are so good, I love them in olive oil or just dried, leave them in warm water for 10 minutes so the become softer and drain them well

  3. good recipe of red cabbage,tuna and sun dried tomatoes salad. i like salads and i eat salads with every meal for maintaining health but i tried this recipe first time and find it good .



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